
Welcome to the Paywizzard API! You can use our API to access Paywizzard API endpoints, which can be use to purchase any of our services.

We have language bindings in PHP, Ruby, Python, and JavaScript! You can use any programming language of your choice to connect to our endpoints.

This Paywizzard API documentation page was created to assits you through the integration proccess.



This endpoint retrieves users information.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

All parameter should be pass in the request body including the token

Parameter Default Description
token true This is the API-TOKEN generate on Paywizzard

Successful Response

Check User Balance

This endpoint retrieves users account balance.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

All parameter should be pass in the request body including the token

Parameter Default Description
token true This is the API-TOKEN generate on Paywizzard.

Successful Response

Airtime Integration

This endpoint purchase airtime from Paywizzard.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

All parameter should be pass in the request body including the token

Parameter Default Description
token true This is the API-TOKEN generate on Paywizzard
mobile true This is the Mobile Number you are buying airtime on.
network true This is the network you are buying. e.g (MTN, GLO, AIRTEL, ETISALAT)
amount true This is the Amount you are buying
request_id true This is a unique reference generate for each transaction.

Successful Response

Data Bundle Integration

This endpoint purchase data bundle from Paywizzard.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

All parameter should be pass in the request body including the token

Parameter Default Description
token true This is the API-TOKEN generate on Paywizzard.
mobile true This is the Mobile Number you are buying data on.
network true This is the network you are buying. e.g (MTN, GLO, AIRTEL, ETISALAT, GIFTING)
plan_code true This is PLAN ID identifying your request. e.g (For MTN 1GB = plan_code => 1000) See Remaininig Plan ID
request_id true This is a unique reference generate for each transaction.

Successful Response

CableTV Integration

This endpoint purchase cable-tv from Paywizzard.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

All parameter should be pass in the request body including the token

Parameter Default Description
token true This is the API-TOKEN generate on Paywizzard.
service_id true This is the services you are paying for e.g dstv, gotv, startimes.
service_number true This is the Decoder No./IUC No. you are paying for.
plan_code true This is the plan code to identify cabletv package. See More...
request_id true This is a unique reference generate for each transaction.

Successful Response

Electricity Integration

This endpoint purchase electricity token from Paywizzard.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

All parameter should be pass in the request body including the token

Parameter Default Description
token true This is the API-TOKEN generate on Paywizzard.
service_id true This is the services you are paying for e.g ekedc-electric, ibedc-electric. See More...
service_number true This is the Meter No. you are paying for.
service_type true This is the type of electricity to purchase e.g postpaid, prepaid.
amount true This is the amount of electricity you want to purchase.
request_id true This is a unique reference generate for each transaction.

Successful Response

IUC No. Verification

This endpoint verify iuc number information.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

All parameter should be pass in the request body including the token

Parameter Default Description
service_number true This is the Decoder No./IUC No. you are paying for.
service_id true This is the services you are paying for e.g dstv, gotv, startimes.

Successful Response

Meter No. Verification

This endpoint verify meter number information.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

All parameter should be pass in the request body including the token

Parameter Default Description
service_number true This is the Meter No. you are paying for.
service_id true This is the services you are paying for e.g eko-electric, ibadan-electric
service_type true This is the type of electricity to purchase e.g postpaid, prepaid.

Successful Response

Exam Pins Integration

This endpoint purchase education pins from Paywizzard.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

All parameter should be pass in the request body including the token

Parameter Default Description
token true This is the API-TOKEN generate on Paywizzard.
service_id true This is the services you are paying for e.g waec, neco, nabteb.
request_id true This is a unique reference generate for each transaction.

Successful Response

Errors & Meaning

The Paywizzard API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
200 Successful -- Successful API transaction.
300 Unauthorized -- Fail retreiving user account.
500 Imcomplete -- Imcomplete api parameters.
700 Invalid Plan -- Invalid plan code.
800 Insufficient -- Low account or wallet.
900 Unsuccessful -- Fail API transaction.